Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Serving Benton, Henry, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis and Saline County, Missouri.
July 26, 2027 all-day

President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 1990

This year is WILS 25th birthday and the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We want to celebrate with the communities we serve all summer long!

As a Missouri Center for Independent Living (CIL), WILS is a consumer driven, nonprofit resource center. Since 1997, WILS has served people with disabilities of all ages. WILS works to empower people with disabilities to achieve and maintain their independence through programs and services. Fifty-one percent of our staff and board of directors are persons with disabilities; we are who we serve.

WILS would like to offer $250 mini grants to community organizations in Benton, Henry, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, and Saline counties that plan to host summer in the park type movie events. Funds can be used to support your event in any way you choose. Grant recipients must agree to air KMOS’ national award winning short film, The Story of Us as a “preview” to their summer movie and hand out WILS information at the concession stand. WILS would then create a flyer that would show all of the movies and locations where The Story of Us would air. WILS would also sponsor a user generated content photo contest. Participants would be entered in a drawing to receive a WILS prize pack for posting photos at the community movie night using #WILSMovieNight @TheWILSWAY

How: completed application
Application deadline: May 20, 2022
Winners: will be notified May 31, 2022 by phone and email