Show-Me Home, formerly known as Money Follows the Person (MFP), program is one of the programs WILS offers through our transition services. WILS assists nursing home residents with developing support systems to transition safely and successfully back into their home.
Do you or someone you know want to move to the community from a nursing facility or habilitation center? Show-Me Home is a federal demonstration grant given to the state of Missouri. The overall goal of Show-Me Home is to support individuals with disabilities and those who are aging to move from a qualified nursing facility or habilitation center to a quality community setting that meets their needs and wants and to identify and eliminate barriers that prevent people from being able to move to the community.
Show-Me Home Eligibility Criteria
- Have lived in a nursing facility for at least 60 days (NOTE: If you have Medicare, other requirements may apply)
- Be eligible for or currently have Missouri Medicaid (MO HealthNet) before moving out of a nursing facility
- Able to move into a home that is leased or owned by you or a family member, or move to residential housing with no more than four people living the house
- Have a physical disability or be at least 63 years old
People who qualify will participate in the program for a year. At the end of the year they will continue to receive Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) – and supports through the regular MO HealthNet program as long as they continue to be eligible for those services.
How does the Show-Me Home program work?
The facility you reside in will recommend you to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) who will contact a Transition Coordinator at WILS. WILS’ Show-Me Home contact will be with you through the entire process. They will initially do a level of care assessment to identify the best plan for you.
After being approved for the Show-Me Home program, a transition plan will be established and WILS Show-Me Home Specialist will assist with the following:
- Identification of HCBS and supports needed to live in the community.
- Options for housing
- Moving support
- Decision on whether CDS or in-home care is needed.
- Moving expenses
- Home health needs
- Independent living skills training
- Purchasing of home items and set-up of home upon move-in day
- Assistance technology and/or durable medical equipment
- Home modifications to allow for independence