DL and Word 365

After much testing, we have come to the conclusion that Office 365 handles documents from DL differently. Previously with Word 2016, you were able to edit documents from DL and save them after. Word 365 treats documents in DL as read-only so it is now necessary to save a copy to your laptop for the specific consumer/attendant and then edit the document. That being said, you should always start by opening the latest version of the document from the Staff Binder in DL.

For quicker access, you are welcome to create shortcuts to documents in DL and add them to your desktop/documents folder. Feel free to submit a ticket to helpdesk@w-ils.org if you need assistance with creating shortcuts to documents in DL.

At this time, we would prefer to minimize checking out documents from DL because Office 365 now saves changes without prompting whether to save changes or not. Documents such as the Intake Spreadsheets are meant to be edited so checking them out is acceptable. However, documents in the Staff Binder should not be edited without approval so avoid checking those out. If you discover a document has been accidentally modified, please submit a ticket to helpdesk@w-ils.org so we can revert it back to the correct version.

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